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Posts Tagged ‘cars’

Driving a bio-ethanol car

Monday, October 22nd, 2007

Today the Monday Podcast talks about a new type of fuel – bio-ethanol. Graham has been driving a bio-ethanol car for the last week and comments on how the car is running and how new fuels help the environment.

Listen to the podcast to find out more:


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Download the MP3 file

Driving with Bio-ethanol
Ford Bioethanol

Buying and registering a car

Monday, July 9th, 2007

Today in the Monday Podcast we talk about buying and registering cars in Germany.

In particular we discuss which paperwork is needed and the procedures involved, based on our own experiences.

Listen to the podcast and find out more:


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Download the MP3 file

German Words Explained: Die Zulassungsstelle


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