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Visiting the trains – the Dampf-Bahn-Club Taunus

Yesterday the Monday Podcast visited the DBC Taunus grounds in Oberursel to see the model railway that they have built up over the last 30 years.

We spoke to the chairman, Matthias Zundel, and took a ride behind one of the steam trains.

Listen to the podcast to find out more:



(Press the “play” button to listen to the podcast)

Download the MP3 file

Homepage of the DBC Taunus e.V.


5 Responses to “Visiting the trains – the Dampf-Bahn-Club Taunus”

  1. dbc Says:

    […] the chairman, Matthias Zundel, and took a ride behind one of the steam trains.Listen to the podcas…DBC PUBLIC RELATIONS EXPERTS Minutes 2003 – Dental Board of CaliforniaA […]

  2. bahn de Says:

    […] the chairman, Matthias Zundel, and took a ride behind one of the steam trains.Listen to the podcas…&lta href=&quot Format: […]

  3. » Blog Archive » Ideen für das Wochenende Says:

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  5. » Blog Archive » Die Romney, Hythe und Dymchurch Eisenbahn Says:

    […] meiner Familie zwei Mal dort und es war beide Male ein schöner Tagesausflug. Der Unterschied zu anderen Minieisenbahnen ist der, dass die Waggons aussehen wie die von normalen Zügen nur kleiner, daher sitzt man in den […]


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